KRAVОновлено 19.08.2019
KRAVs vision is: “All production and consumption is sustainable and comes from a healthy earth”. The label promise is “You get more”. To the right you will find a link to the brand platform.
KRAV is organised as an incorporated association with, at present, 27 members. They represent farmers, processors, trade and also consumer, environmental and animal welfare interests.
Around 3 000 farmers and approximately 450 companies in processing and trade are associated to KRAV. At present there are more than 5 500 KRAV-certified products. Five certification bodies carry out inspections according to KRAV standards. You find them to the right.
Around the World
Organic production is present all around the world. KRAV is an active member of IFOAM – International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, an umbrella organisation which gathers organisations for farmers, scientists, educationalists and certifiers from almost every country in the world. KRAV takes an active part in developing the IFOAM standards and also works to influence the EU organic production legislation.
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