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NaturlandОновлено 19.08.2019

Naturland –& nbsp; Association for Organic Agriculture was founded in 1982 with its headquarters in Graefelfing, near Munich, Germany. Today Naturland is one of the world’s foremost organisations in the promotion of organic agriculture.

In the many years since its establishment, Naturland has made a significant imprint on the history of organic agriculture and provided important impetus, opening up new fields such as organic forestry management and organic aquaculture.

A thumbnail sketch of Naturland

Naturland is a farmers‘ association run on the principle of grassroots democracy, and the assembly of delegates monitors the objectives contained in its articles. Naturland is recognised as a non-profit-making organisation.

Naturland’s farmers and processors produce valuable foodstuffs in accordance with Naturland’s standards, from apples to cabbages, from turkeys to salmon, from olive oil to elderberry liqueur. The cultivation and processing of all the goods produced to Naturland’s standards are eco-friendly and guarantee jobs.

As of 2010, 2.441 Naturland farms cultivated an area in excess of 178.400 hectares in Germany. Naturland promotes organic agriculture the world over. On a global level, in 2009 over 50.000 farmers were cultivating an area in excess of 142.000 hectares in 101 Naturland co-operatives the world over.


Naturland – a pioneer

Organic aquaculture, organic forestry management, social standards, “Bio mit Gesicht”, criteria for fair partnerships  – The list of the new impetus which Naturland gives to the organic food industry throughout the world is impressive and in keeping with our mission statement. For Naturland, organic agriculture means combining tradition with modern practices, and experience with the courage to tread new paths.



Адреса: Kleinhaderner Weg 1 82166 Gräfelfing

Телефон: +49 (0) 89-89 80 82-0

Факс: +49 (0) 89-89 80 82-90

E-mail: info@kramnyca.info

Web: http://www.naturland.de/